PCC Child Development Center
The PCC Child Development Center serves both students and staff of Pasadena City College, as well as the greater community. We provide education and care for children, ages 4 months through 5 years old and work directly with the goals and objectives of the College. Additionally, we serve as a laboratory school in support of the students in the various education and health programs at PCC.
- http://sovab-presse.com/cdc/
- 1324 E. Green Street
Pasadena, CA. 91106 - (626) 585-3180
Aspires West Pasadena
The Aspires Program seeks to guide young people through the critical stages of their lives. Mentors assist through tutoring, sharing employment skills, training, and counseling. Other areas include parenting and Kid's Law.
- aspireswestpasadena.com
- 119 E. Washington Blvd.
Pasadena, CA 91103 - (626) 797-0789
Boys & Girls Club of Pasadena Mackenzie-Scott Branch
Child development programs for ages 5-17 offering homework assistance, tutoring, mentoring, leadership training, art, sports, computer classes, music, basketball training, summer field trips, private swim lessons, and free food program during the summer. Program year round.
- bgcpasadena.org
- 2020 N. Fair Oaks Ave.
Pasadena, CA 91103 - (626) 798-3925
- info@bgcpasadena.org
Flintridge Center
Wide range of after-school programs for high school-age youth to boost academic achievement, foster job and life skills and promote artistic expression and exploration. Activities include: tutoring, SAT and CAHSEE prep, computer training, digital photography and graphic design, personal health and self-esteem, cooking, yoga, art, performance, and leadership and job training.
- flintridge.org
- 236 W. Mountain St. Suite 106
Pasadena, CA 91103 - (626) 396-5610
- info@flintridge.org
Options Child Development Centers
Children must be 3-5 years old (not eligible for Kindergarten) and fully potty trained. Parents must be employed, attending school, or have a need for full-time care. Enrollment is based on income eligibility.
- optionsforlearning.org
- 885 S. Village Oaks Dr.
Covina, CA 91724 - (626) 967-7848
Pacific Oaks Children's School
Classroom programs are designed for children ages 2 to 5 and meet every day, Monday through Friday. They offer part-day and all-day classes to meet the diverse needs of our students and their families. All classes, regardless of age level, span for at least one year. Some classes are “mixed-age,” meaning that the age span extends to up to two years. Pacific Oaks adheres to the California age standard and their ‘cut-off’ date for entry is September 1.
- pacificoakschildrensschool.org
- 714 West California Boulevard
Pasadena, CA 91105 - 626-529-8011
- pochildrenschool@pacificoaks.edu
Pasadena Family YMCA
The before and after school programs provide academic and physical enrichment activities for children ages 5-13. Activities include homework, sports, arts, and crafts. The YMCA youth sports program offers Jr. Lakers and Shooting Sparks basketball in the summer and winter. Other sports include: flag football, indoor soccer, golf, and a Scooter Program for 3-5 year olds. Y-SPIRIT is and an after school recreation/socialization program for teens with developmental disabilities.
- ymcala.org/pasadena
- 611 E. Sierra Madre Blvd.
Sierra Madre, CA 91204 - (626) 355-5261
Pasadena LEARNs After School Program
The Pasadena LEARNs After School program is a structured, school-based program that offers a wide range of activities, classes and support that helps students achieve, develop skills, and explore opportunities that deepen their love of learning. All academic enrichment classes are standards-based, include writing activities, and are taught by qualified after school professionals.
- gopusd.com/learns
- 351 S. Hudson Ave., Room 207
Pasadena, CA 91109 - (626) 396-3614
- pasadenalearns@pusd.us
YWCA Pasadena-Foothill Valley
The YWCA Pasadena-Foothill Valley offers a free multi-disciplinary program for girls ages 10-14 that fosters a sense of community and self-confidence. Activities include: printmaking, screenprinting, crafts, painting, 3D printing and design, robotics, hands-on science experiments and more.
Girls' Empowerment After-School Program
- http://bit.ly/GEAP2018
- 50 N. Hill Ave, Suite 301
Pasadena, CA 91106 - (626) 296-8433
- jliu@ywca-pasadena.org